Cosmetic Crowns in Downtown Calgary

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Crowns for Protection and Beauty

At Cooper Dental in downtown Calgary, we love to see our patient’s smile dreams realized. If a few damaged or discoloured teeth interfere with your smile, aesthetic crowns may be an answer. 

Crowns are not only used to protect back teeth from breaking, but they are also used on front teeth to improve the smile. Aesthetic crowns use premium materials that look almost indistinguishable from your natural teeth. 

They cover the entire tooth and prevent further damage, restoring stability to your bite and sprucing up your smile. If you have tooth decay or concerns about the structural integrity of your teeth, as well as some aesthetic needs, an aesthetic crown can be an excellent option.

Book your consultation today.

Two Calgary Locations to Suit Your Lifestyle

Downtown Calgary

Visit Cooper Dental’s convenient downtown location on the +15 pedway, between the Chevron Tower and the Aquitaine Tower. Street parking is available in front of the office!

  • Suite 200, 520 5th Avenue SW
  • Calgary, AB T2P 3R7

Cougar Ridge

Find Cooper Dental in Cougar Ridge just off Old Banff Coach Road in Cougar Ridge Shopping Plaza. Free parking is available right in front of the office.

  • 677 Cougar Ridge Drive SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 5J2

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