Veneers in Downtown Calgary

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Brush Up the Look of Your Smile With Veneers

If you want to transform the look of your smile, veneers may be for you. A veneer is a porcelain facing applied to the front of the tooth that allows us to completely change the shade and shape of that tooth. This helps us build the smile you’re looking for and cover perceived imperfections.

Dr. Cooper focuses on using her dentistry skills to help you achieve a smile that looks naturally beautiful.

Visit our dentists in downtown Calgary to see if veneers are the right option for you. Book your appointment today.

When Dental Veneers Are the Right Choice

Veneers can be used to make a significant change to your smile, or to address a cosmetic concern in just a single tooth. In an exam with Dr. Cooper, she can discuss what you’d like to see in your smile and help you choose the best approach for your goals.

Commonly, veneers are used to address the following issues:

  • Discoloured teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Excessively spaced teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Smaller than average teeth
  • A gummy or asymmetric smile

We can treat anywhere from 1 to 28 teeth, depending on the situation. Veneers on the top 8 teeth at the forefront of the smile are common for patients seeking a more even smile.

Two Calgary Locations to Suit Your Lifestyle

Downtown Calgary

Visit Cooper Dental’s convenient downtown location on the +15 pedway, between the Chevron Tower and the Aquitaine Tower. Street parking is available in front of the office!

  • Suite 200, 520 5th Avenue SW
  • Calgary, AB T2P 3R7

Cougar Ridge

Find Cooper Dental in Cougar Ridge just off Old Banff Coach Road in Cougar Ridge Shopping Plaza. Free parking is available right in front of the office.

  • 677 Cougar Ridge Drive SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 5J2

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