Teeth Whitening Services in Calgary

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Enjoy Your Smile

The colour of your teeth changes over time. Everyday activities like drinking coffee, soda, or red wine, eating berries and tomato-based dishes, and smoking (among other things) can discolour teeth. 

Teeth whitening is a simple way to change your smile’s appearance. Adjusting the shade of your teeth to a whiteness level that suits you is within your reach. Under the supervision of our seasoned team, your teeth whitening experience can be quick and safe.

Visit your dentist at Cooper Dental in downtown Calgary for teeth whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening Methods 

Tray Whitening

If you’re looking for an at-home solution, tray whitening may be for you.

We customize plastic trays for you, then send you home with a whitening solution and easy-to-follow instructions. The process may take a few weeks depending on the desired result and the initial discolouration. Results vary on an individual basis.

Polal Light is a take-home whitening kit that uses LED light with Pola whitening gels. The LED light helps to whiten teeth quickly and safely. Some people see results in as few as 5 days. 

It comes in 2 strengths, 6% or 9.5% hydrogen peroxide, so you can choose the option that best suits your sensitivity and brightening goals. The LED light can be used for 10 or 15 minutes, depending on your preferred level of whitening.

Pola Office+ is a professional-strength whitening treatment done in the dental office. It uses 37.5% hydrogen peroxide gel to help whiten teeth in 30 minutes.

This simple, one-step process requires no mixing, no bleaching light, and minimal chair time, so you can relax and let us do all the work.

A Note on Teeth Whitening

Regardless of the teeth whitening process, only natural teeth can be whitened. If there are pre-existing fillings, veneers, crowns, or bridges, they cannot be whitened.

Additionally, every tooth is different and all teeth may not whiten uniformly. A variation in the final result may occur based on the initial condition.

Two Calgary Locations to Suit Your Lifestyle

Downtown Calgary

Visit Cooper Dental’s convenient downtown location on the +15 pedway, between the Chevron Tower and the Aquitaine Tower. Street parking is available in front of the office!

  • Suite 200, 520 5th Avenue SW
  • Calgary, AB T2P 3R7

Cougar Ridge

Find Cooper Dental in Cougar Ridge just off Old Banff Coach Road in Cougar Ridge Shopping Plaza. Free parking is available right in front of the office.

  • 677 Cougar Ridge Drive SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 5J2

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