White Fillings in Downtown Calgary

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Fillings for Form and Function

White fillings mimic the natural look of your teeth. A beautiful, natural-looking smile is a big confidence-booster. We will have you looking as good on the outside as you feel on the inside.

We offer white fillings that blend beautifully into your smile at the back or the front of your mouth. Our dentist will consult with you personally about whether a white filling is the best restorative service for you, or if another procedure, such as an an onlay or an aesthetic crown, might be more suitable.

Restore Your Smile

It only takes a split-second grin to see the aesthetic difference a subtle white filling makes when compared to a silver or gold one. 

When you’d like your teeth to look natural following the treatment of a cavity, the replacement of an older filling, or the repair of tooth damage in any part of your mouth, a white filling can elegantly meet your needs.

Two Calgary Locations to Suit Your Lifestyle

Downtown Calgary

Visit Cooper Dental’s convenient downtown location on the +15 pedway, between the Chevron Tower and the Aquitaine Tower. Street parking is available in front of the office!

  • Suite 200, 520 5th Avenue SW
  • Calgary, AB T2P 3R7

Cougar Ridge

Find Cooper Dental in Cougar Ridge just off Old Banff Coach Road in Cougar Ridge Shopping Plaza. Free parking is available right in front of the office.

  • 677 Cougar Ridge Drive SW
  • Calgary, AB T3H 5J2

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