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Invisalign vs. Retainer vs. Night Guard: The Key Differences

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A photo of a set of Invisalign clear aligners, side by side, against a blue background.

Several customized dental devices are available to help support oral health. Invisalign, retainers, and night guards look similar in style, but help safeguard the appearance and function of your teeth by addressing different problems.

Invisalign actively corrects bite misalignment and straightens teeth, while retainers passively help maintain the results of orthodontic treatment. Night guards are designed to protect teeth from excessive pressure caused by teeth grinding and clenching

Your dentist can assess your oral health needs and determine which solutions can help you achieve your dental goals.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear aligners to address mild to moderate malocclusions, such as overbites, underbites, crooked or crowded teeth, and excessive spacing.

Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are removable and nearly invisible to provide a more discreet and flexible solution for a straighter, healthier smile.

What Happens When Malocclusions Are Not Untreated?

Malocclusion can impact the appearance of your smile and, in many cases, your overall oral health. A misaligned bite can also place uneven pressure on your teeth and accelerate wear and tear. Even minor teeth or bite misalignments can make it harder to maintain proper dental hygiene.

Untreated malocclusion can lead to several complications, including:

  • Jaw pain and discomfort
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking
  • Increased risk of cavities
  • Gum inflammation
  • Gum recession
  • Tooth fracture and mobility

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign uses custom aligners that fit snugly over your teeth. They apply gentle pressure to push your teeth into the optimal position over time.

The aligners are worn over both your upper and lower teeth, and each set of aligners shift teeth by approximately 0.3 mm.

Since Invisalign is removable, treatment requires commitment and adherence. You must wear your aligners at least 20 to 22 hours a day, with 22 hours ideal. Invisalign should only be removed for eating and cleaning your teeth.

Benefits of Invisalign

One of the primary benefits of Invisalign is that it remains virtually invisible. Adults and teenagers who want a discreet orthodontic option often choose Invisalign to maintain a more natural appearance.

The aligners and the treatment plan themselves are all customized to suit a range of orthodontic problems.

Additionally, Invisalign is convenient. Their removability means the treatment does not impact your regular oral hygiene routine or your diet.

an infographic depicting the difference between invisalign, retainers, and night guards

What Are Retainers?

Retainers are worn after orthodontic treatment to keep your teeth in the ideal position. They apply zero pressure to the teeth and act as a passive appliance. They are custom-made to suit your needs and can be fixed or removable. Some retainers, such as clear plastic options, are more subtle and easy to wear.

Who Should Use Retainers?

Anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment should use retainers to help maintain their results. Your dentist can discuss various retainer options after your treatment. Retainers can also be used for those patients who cannot tolerate the thickness of the night guard since they are much smaller in volume. 

With respect to retainers, an upper AND a lower retainer is required. Without retainers, teeth can gradually return to their former positions, undoing progress achieved through treatment. 

What Are Night Guards?

Also called bite splints or occlusal guards, night guards are a protective device to prevent bruxism (grinding).

Night guards create a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to help alleviate excessive pressure caused by grinding or clenching while you sleep. They reduce wear and tear, protect enamel, and minimize muscle and jaw strain.

A night guard is made for the upper OR lower arch, not both, unlike retainers where there is one for the top and the bottom. 

What Happens if Bruxism Is Left Untreated?

Grinding and clenching constantly stress the muscles, ligaments, and joints in the jaw. Over time, these actions can cause pain, soreness, tooth mobility, and difficulty opening or closing the mouth.

Chronic grinding can also wear down the enamel, leaving teeth vulnerable to sensitivity, cavities, and fractures. 

Severe cases can lead to flat tooth surfaces, altering their appearance and functionality.

Bruxism is a common but often overlooked condition. Many patients do not realize they grind their teeth while they sleep. Your dentist can look for signs of bruxism during your routine checkup and evaluate your oral health.

How Do Night Guards Help?

Custom-made night guards:

  • Prevent tooth-to-tooth contact and excessive friction
  • Absorb and redistribute pressure and stress on teeth
  • Alleviate muscle tension by cushioning the bite

Which Dental Device Do I Need?

While Invisalign, retainers, and night guards share some similarities in appearance, their purposes are specialized:

  • Invisalign is an effective way to straighten your teeth.
  • Retainers help maintain your straightened smile after orthodontic treatment.
  • Night guards protect your teeth from damage caused by nighttime bruxism.

Each dental device is designed to keep your smile healthy. Your dentist can evaluate your oral health needs and recommend specific treatment methods to address your concerns. 

Transform, Maintain, & Protect Your Smile at Cooper Dental

Dr. Cooper has extensive knowledge and experience helping her patients achieve healthier, straighter teeth. Contact our team at Cooper Dental to book an appointment for a personalized consultation. We can help determine options that target your specific dental concerns.

Written by Dr. Deborah Cooper

Dr. Deborah Cooper completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1992 from the University of Alberta. With over 30 years of experience in general dentistry, her passion for her profession is evident in how she strives for excellence. She attends dental courses to stay up-to-date on the most current developments in dentistry. Dr. Cooper has a special interest in conservative aesthetic dentistry and creating natural-looking smiles with healthy bites. For Dr. Cooper, individual patient care has always been her top priority. Many of her patients have been with her for well over 30 years. She also values her team and has many long-standing team members.
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