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Category: Orthodontics

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Overbite vs. Underbite: The Differences & Treatment Options

A photo of two different face profiles to showcase how a person's chin might look like if they have an underbite vs. if they have an overbite.

2 common types of malocclusion are overbites and underbites. 

All of us have an overbite. It refers to how the upper front teeth cover the lower front teeth in the bite in a vertical perspective. Normally, the lower teeth should only be visibly covered by 30%. If the lower teeth are excessively covered, it is referred to as a deep bite or an excessive overbite.

An underbite, is where the lower jaw is more prominent and protrudes horizontally past the upper teeth.  This often results in a flat middle face and a prominent chin appearance.

An overjet is often confused with an overbite. In dental terminology, an overjet is characterized by the upper teeth jetting out horizontally, well past the lower teeth. This is often associated with a more developed upper jaw or a less developed lower jaw, making the chin look retruded. It may also be referred to as having buck teeth. 

Orthodontic options like full comprehensive metal braces and Invisalign can help correct these issues and improve function and appearance, but there are times when jaw surgery or cosmetic surgery may be needed. […]

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Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?

A close up of a woman with clear 6-month smile braces

Everyone deserves an opportunity to enjoy a straight, shining, confident smile. But crooked teeth, misalignment, and overcrowding can affect both your self-esteem and overall oral health. While braces have been the longstanding answer to these issues, many orthodontic advancements now address the growing desire for quicker, more discreet results. Cooper Dental is proud to offer […]

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